A better Documentation Platform for Reason & BuckleScript

The website reasonml.org is a community project dedicated to a better doc experience for the Reason & BuckleScript platform and is currently a Work in Progress. Project announcements and current roadmap are documented here.

Current Focus: Belt API documentation

Official Resources

In case you are looking for the current official docs, here is a good reference sheet:

How to contribute

We are currently in the process of extracting Belt documentation from the BuckleScript source code. Each module (e.g. Belt.List) will have its own dedicated markdown file.

Possiblilties for contributions:

  • Extract documentation from the original source code w/ convertion to Reason syntax

  • Improvement of usage examples

  • Working on mechanics to automatically verify & test the examples inside the markdown for CI

The project is still in an early stage, so we don't have any contribution guidelines yet. As a start, refer to existing modules and ask questions on Discord or ping @ryyppy.